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Version vom 3. November 2021, 08:44 Uhr von M1ch3lde (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „"Include packaging and finshed goods to create the hu and to pack. ls_packdata-prthus-huheads = VALUE #( ( hunum = '1' factor = 1 roothu = 1 packlevel…“)
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"Include packaging and finshed goods to create the hu and to pack.

       ls_packdata-prthus-huheads = VALUE #( ( hunum = '1' factor = 1 roothu = 1 packlevel = 00001 exidv2 = iv_pal ) ).
       ls_packdata-prthus-huitems = VALUE #(
                                             "1st DUMMY entry for finsihed goods
                                             ( huitemid = 1 hunum = '$DUMMY' huitem = 000002 itemtype = 'Z' pgid = 1
                                              matnr = lv_fin_goods_no maktx = lv_fin_goods_maktx charg = lv_charg_no
                                              xchar = 'X' xchpf = 'X' docitem = 000001 werks = '2000' lgort = '2P00'
                                              qty_a = 1 tqty_a = 1 qunit_a = lv_fin_goods_meins qty_b = 1 tqty_b = 1
                                              qunit_b = lv_fin_goods_meins packgroup = 0 packlevel = 1 roothu = '$DUMMY' )
                                              "2nd DUMMY entry (not assigned to finished goods or packaging, but needed)
                                              ( huitemid = 2 hunum = '$DUMMY' huitem = 000001 itemtype = 'D' pgid = 0
                                              matnr =  maktx =  charg = 
                                              xchar =  xchpf =  docitem = 000000 werks =  lgort =  sub_hunr = '1'
                                              qty_a = 1 tqty_a = 1 qunit_a =  qty_b = 1 tqty_b = 1 qunit_b = 
                                              packgroup = 0 packlevel = 1 roothu = '$DUMMY' )
                                              "1st entry for packaging
                                              ( huitemid = 3 hunum = '1' huitem = 000001 itemtype = 'A' pgid = 0
                                              matnr = lv_packaging_no maktx = lv_packaging_maktx charg = 
                                              xchar =  xchpf =  vhart = 'SCM1' magrv = 'PMG1'  docitem = 000000
                                              werks =  lgort =  sub_hunr = '1' qty_a = 1 tqty_a = 1
                                              qunit_a = lv_packaging_meins qty_b = 1 tqty_b = 1 qunit_b = lv_packaging_meins
                                              packgroup = 0 packlevel = 2 roothu = '1' )
                                              "2nd entry for finsihed goods
                                              ( huitemid = 4 hunum = '1' huitem = 000002 itemtype = 'C' pgid = 1
                                              matnr = lv_fin_goods_no maktx = 'AB AM1 NC 37975T' charg = lv_charg_no
                                              xchar = 'X' xchpf = 'X' docitem = 000001 werks = '2000' lgort = '2P00' sub_hunr = '1'
                                              qty_a = iv_counter_of_pieces tqty_a = iv_counter_of_pieces qunit_a = lv_fin_goods_meins
                                              qty_b = iv_counter_of_pieces tqty_b = iv_counter_of_pieces
                                              qunit_b = lv_fin_goods_meins packgroup = 0 packlevel = 2 roothu = '1' )
       ls_packdata-prthus-next_hunum = '1'.
       CONDENSE ls_packdata-prthus-next_hunum.
       ls_packdata-prthus-next_huitemid = 4.
       ls_packdata-ctrl-pdpara-requ_stat_save = '1'.
       ls_packdata-ctrl-pdpara-hu_status = .
           prthus             = ls_packdata-prthus
           requ_packstat_save = ls_packdata-ctrl-pdpara-requ_stat_save
           hustatus           = ls_packdata-ctrl-pdpara-hu_status
           hus                = ls_packdata-hus
           hu_not_found       = 1
           packinstr_injured  = 2
           OTHERS             = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
          WITH   sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
          INTO   DATA(lv_message).

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