Der Vorteil gegenüber den Standardmitteln OLE und DOI ist, dass es performanter und mit den neuesten MS Excel Version und Dateitypen wie .xlsx und mit Calc OpenOffice läuft.
Mehr Vorteile und Übersicht über dieses AddOn kann hier nachgelesen werden.
Der Nugget muss mit dem Programm ZABAPGIT online oder offline installiert werden.
Ggf. sind einige Anpassungen an den Klassen und Methoden notwendig.
"IT_DATASETS "EO_EXCEL TYPE REF TO METHOD create_send_xlsx. CHECK lines( it_datasets ) > 0. DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel, lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lo_autofilter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_autofilter, row_dimension TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_rowdimensi, column_dimension TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column, "column_dimension TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime, lo_border_none TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_border_blue TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_style_bckgrnd TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_bckgrnd_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_first_line TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lv_style_first_line_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_head_line_l TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lv_style_head_line_l_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_head_line_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lv_style_head_line_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_center TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lv_style_center_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_border_dark TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_border_left TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_border_right TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_border_down_1 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_border_down_2 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border, lo_style_normal_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_normal_c_red TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_normal_l TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_grau_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_grau_l TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_grey TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_blau_a TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_oran_a TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_rothell TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_blau_b TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_blau_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_green_b TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_green_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_rot_c TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_braun_1 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_braun_2 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_braun_3 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_braun_4 TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_normal_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_normal_c_red_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_normal_l_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_grau_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_oran_a_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_rothell_a_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_grau_l_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_grey_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_blau_a_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_blau_b_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_blau_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_green_b_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_green_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_rot_c_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_braun_1_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_braun_2_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_braun_3_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_style_braun_4_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lv_borders TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_borders, lv_xborders TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_borders, lv_borders_down TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border, lv_xborders_down TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border. DATA: lv_row TYPE i, lv_row_a TYPE i, lv_row_b TYPE i, lv_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column VALUE 1, lv_col_str TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_zahl_char TYPE char10, lv_time_char TYPE char5. DATA: ls_area TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area. "ls_datasets TYPE zabgleich_ldl_t. "DATA: ls_out TYPE zoos_neu. DATA: lv_ignore TYPE char01. DATA: lv_tabix TYPE sytabix. * ====================================================================== * Im Vorfeld die Ausgabestruktur erstellen * ====================================================================== DATA: lv_struk TYPE tabname VALUE 'zabgleich_LDL'. DATA: gt_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, gs_fcat LIKE LINE OF gt_fcat. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fcat> TYPE lvc_s_fcat. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <value> TYPE any. * Mit dem FuBa schon einmal den Grundaufbau des Feldctalogs erstellen CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_structure_name = lv_struk i_client_never_display = 'X' i_bypassing_buffer = 'X' CHANGING ct_fieldcat = gt_fcat EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. CREATE OBJECT lo_excel. * Für die Gitterlinien innerhalb der Tabelle CREATE OBJECT lo_border_dark. lo_border_dark->border_color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_border_dark->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_thin. CREATE OBJECT lo_border_left. lo_border_left->border_color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_border_left->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_thin. CREATE OBJECT lo_border_right. lo_border_right->border_color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_border_right->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_thin. CREATE OBJECT lo_border_down_1. lo_border_down_1->border_color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_border_down_1->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_thin. CREATE OBJECT lo_border_down_2. lo_border_down_2->border_color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_border_down_2->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_thick. * ====================================================================== * Für das gesamte Blatt --> Hintergrund auf Weiß setzen (ohne Gitterlinien) * ====================================================================== lo_style_bckgrnd = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_bckgrnd->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_bckgrnd->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_bckgrnd_guid = lo_style_bckgrnd->get_guid( ). * ====================================================================== * Für die erste Zeile * ====================================================================== lo_style_first_line = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_first_line->font->bold = abap_true. lo_style_first_line->font->size = 18. lo_style_first_line->font->italic = abap_false. lo_style_first_line->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_first_line->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_first_line->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_first_line->fill->fgcolor-theme = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_theme_dark1. lv_style_first_line_guid = lo_style_first_line->get_guid( ). * ====================================================================== * Style für Tabellen-Überschriften generieren * ====================================================================== * Ausrichtung - zentriert (horizontal + vertikal) lo_style_head_line_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_head_line_c->font->bold = abap_true. lo_style_head_line_c->font->size = 11. lo_style_head_line_c->font->italic = abap_false. lo_style_head_line_c->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_head_line_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_head_line_c->alignment->vertical = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_vertical_center. lo_style_head_line_c->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_head_line_c->fill->fgcolor-theme = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_theme_dark2. lv_style_head_line_c_guid = lo_style_head_line_c->get_guid( ). * Ausrichtung - linksbündig lo_style_head_line_l = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_head_line_l->font->bold = abap_true. lo_style_head_line_l->font->size = 11. lo_style_head_line_l->font->italic = abap_false. lo_style_head_line_l->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_head_line_l->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_left. lo_style_head_line_l->alignment->vertical = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_vertical_center. lo_style_head_line_l->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_head_line_l->fill->fgcolor-theme = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_theme_dark2. lv_style_head_line_l_guid = lo_style_head_line_l->get_guid( ). * ====================================================================== * Style für Tabellen-Inhalte generieren * ====================================================================== * Normal - zentriert lo_style_normal_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_normal_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_normal_c->font->bold = abap_false. lo_style_normal_c->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_normal_c->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_normal_c->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_normal_c_guid = lo_style_normal_c->get_guid( ). * * Normal - zentriert und Schrift in ROT lo_style_normal_c_red = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_normal_c_red->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_normal_c_red->font->bold = abap_false. lo_style_normal_c_red->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_red. lo_style_normal_c_red->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_normal_c_red->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_normal_c_red->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_normal_c_red_guid = lo_style_normal_c_red->get_guid( ). * Normal - linksbündig lo_style_normal_l = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_normal_l->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_left. lo_style_normal_l->font->bold = abap_false. * lo_style_normal_l->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_normal_l->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_normal_l->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_normal_l->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_normal_l_guid = lo_style_normal_l->get_guid( ). * Grau hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_grau_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_grau_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_grau_c->font->bold = abap_false. * lo_style_grau_c->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_grau_c->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_grau_c->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_grau_c->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_grau_c->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_grau_c->fill->fgcolor-theme = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_theme_dark2. lo_style_grau_c_guid = lo_style_grau_c->get_guid( ). * Grau hinterlegt - linksbündig lo_style_grau_l = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_grau_l->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_left. lo_style_grau_l->font->bold = abap_false. * lo_style_grau_l->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_grau_l->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_grau_l->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_grau_l->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_grau_l->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_grau_l->fill->fgcolor-theme = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_theme_dark2. lo_style_grau_l_guid = lo_style_grau_l->get_guid( ). * Blau A hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_blau_a = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_blau_a->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_blau_a->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_blau_a->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FF4F81BD'. * lo_style_blau_A->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_blau_a->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_blau_a->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_blau_a->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_blau_a->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_blau_a_guid = lo_style_blau_a->get_guid( ). * Blau B hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_blau_b = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_blau_b->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_blau_b->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_blau_b->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FF95B3D7'. * lo_style_blau_B->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_blau_b->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_blau_b->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_blau_b->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_blau_b->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_blau_b_guid = lo_style_blau_b->get_guid( ). * Blau C hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_blau_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_blau_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_blau_c->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_blau_c->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFDCE6F1'. * lo_style_blau_C->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_blau_c->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_blau_c->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_blau_c->borders->right = lo_border_right. * lo_style_blau_C->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_blau_c->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_blau_c_guid = lo_style_blau_c->get_guid( ). * Rot C hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_rot_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_rot_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_rot_c->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_rot_c->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFCD5C5C'. * lo_style_rot_C->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_rot_c->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_rot_c->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_rot_c->borders->right = lo_border_right. * lo_style_rot_C->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_rot_c->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_rot_c_guid = lo_style_rot_c->get_guid( ). * Grün B hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_green_b = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_green_b->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_green_b->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_green_b->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FF3CB371'. "Dunkleresgrün * lo_style_rot_C->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_green_b->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_green_b->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_green_b->borders->right = lo_border_right. * lo_style_rot_C->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_green_b->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_green_b_guid = lo_style_green_b->get_guid( ). * Grau B hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_grey = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_grey->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_grey->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_grey->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFA9A9A9'. "Dunkelgrau * lo_style_rot_C->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_grey->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_grey->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_grey->borders->right = lo_border_right. * lo_style_rot_C->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_grey->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_grey_guid = lo_style_grey->get_guid( ). * Grün C hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_green_c = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_green_c->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_green_c->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_green_c->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FF90EE90'. "Helleresgrün * lo_style_rot_C->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_green_c->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_green_c->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_green_c->borders->right = lo_border_right. * lo_style_rot_C->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_green_c->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_green_c_guid = lo_style_green_c->get_guid( ). * Braun 1 hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_braun_1 = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_braun_1->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_braun_1->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_braun_1->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFC0504D'. * lo_style_braun_1->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_braun_1->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_braun_1->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_braun_1->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_braun_1->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_braun_1_guid = lo_style_braun_1->get_guid( ). * Braun 2 hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_braun_2 = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_braun_2->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_braun_2->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_braun_2->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFDA9694'. * lo_style_braun_2->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_braun_2->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_braun_2->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_braun_2->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_braun_2->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lo_style_braun_2_guid = lo_style_braun_2->get_guid( ). * Orange A hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_oran_a = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_oran_a->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_oran_a->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_oran_a->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFFFA500'. * lo_style_blau_A->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_oran_a->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_oran_a->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_oran_a->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_oran_a->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_oran_a_guid = lo_style_oran_a->get_guid( ). * Hellrot A hinterlegt - zentriert lo_style_rothell = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_rothell->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_center. lo_style_rothell->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_rothell->fill->fgcolor-rgb = 'FFF08080'. * lo_style_blau_A->borders->allborders = lo_border_dark. lo_style_rothell->borders->down = lo_border_down_1. lo_style_rothell->borders->left = lo_border_left. lo_style_rothell->borders->right = lo_border_right. lo_style_rothell->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_black. lo_style_rothell_a_guid = lo_style_rothell->get_guid( ). * Get active sheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~set_style( lo_style_bckgrnd_guid ). "Gitterlinien ausblenden lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 5 ). "die ersten Zeilen einfrieren lo_worksheet->set_title( 'Bestandsabgleich' ). "Name des Arbeitsblattes setzen lo_worksheet->set_default_excel_date_format( zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_yyyymmdd ). lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->vertical_centered = abap_true. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->horizontal_centered = abap_true. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_page = abap_true. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_height = 1. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_width = 1. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->orientation = zcl_excel_sheet_setup=>c_orientation_landscape. * Start der Ausgabe bei Zeile 6 lv_row = 5. lv_row_a = 6. "Erste Zeile, die ge-merged werden soll! LOOP AT it_datasets INTO DATA(ls_datasets). lv_row = lv_row + 1. lv_col = 1. "Ausgabe soll beginnen in Spalte A --> wird gleich gewandelt! LOOP AT gt_fcat ASSIGNING <fcat>. * Von Zahl in Buchstabe für die Spalte wandeln lv_col_str = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lv_col ). CASE <fcat>-fieldname. WHEN 'MANDT'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-mandt ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'MATNR'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-matnr ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'WERKS'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-werks ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'LGORT'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-lgort ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'MAKTX'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-maktx ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'ERDAT'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-erdat ip_style = lo_style_blau_c_guid ). WHEN 'SAP_LABST'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-sap_labst ip_style = lo_style_green_c_guid ). WHEN 'SAP_INSME'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-sap_insme ip_style = lo_style_green_c_guid ). WHEN 'SAP_SPEME'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-sap_speme ip_style = lo_style_green_c_guid ). WHEN 'DIFF_LABST'. IF ls_datasets-diff_labst > 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_labst ip_style = lo_style_rot_c_guid ). ELSEIF ls_datasets-diff_labst < 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_labst ip_style = lo_style_rothell_a_guid ). ELSE. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_labst ip_style = lo_style_grau_c_guid ). ENDIF. WHEN 'DIFF_INSME'. IF ls_datasets-diff_insme > 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_insme ip_style = lo_style_rot_c_guid ). ELSEIF ls_datasets-diff_insme < 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_insme ip_style = lo_style_rothell_a_guid ). ELSE. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_insme ip_style = lo_style_grau_c_guid ). ENDIF. WHEN 'DIFF_SPEME'. IF ls_datasets-diff_speme > 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_speme ip_style = lo_style_rot_c_guid ). ELSEIF ls_datasets-diff_speme < 0. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_speme ip_style = lo_style_rothell_a_guid ). ELSE. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-diff_speme ip_style = lo_style_grau_c_guid ). ENDIF. WHEN 'LDL_LABST'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-ldl_labst ip_style = lo_style_oran_a_guid ).
WHEN 'LDL_INSME'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-ldl_insme ip_style = lo_style_oran_a_guid ).
WHEN 'LDL_SPEME'. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = lv_col_str ip_value = ls_datasets-ldl_speme ip_style = lo_style_oran_a_guid ). ENDCASE. lv_col = lv_col + 1. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP.
** Vor der eigentlichen Ausgabe noch Autosize durchführen! ** column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'A' ). ** column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'B' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'C' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). ** column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'D' ). ** column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'E' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). ** column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'F' ). ** column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). ** column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'G' ). ** column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'H' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'I' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'J' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'K' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'L' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'M' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'N' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'O' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'P' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'Q' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'R' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( 'S' ). * column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). * ==================================================================== * Die Überschriftenzeile erst im Nachgang setzen, da bei der * Zusammenfassung von Zellen, die automatische Breitenanpassung * nicht mehr funktioniert! * ==================================================================== * Erste Zeile zusammenfassen (mergen) und ausgeben lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = 'A' ip_value = 'Bestandsabgleich' ip_style = lv_style_first_line_guid ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 1 ip_column_start = 'A' ip_column_end = 'O' ). * Status + Datum setzen + mergen lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'A' ip_row = 2 ip_value = 'Stand:' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 2 ip_value = sy-datum ip_style = lo_style_normal_c_guid ). " lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 2 ip_column_start = 'B' ip_column_end = 'C' ). * Systeminfos lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'A' ip_row = 3 ip_value = 'System:' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 3 ip_value = sy-sysid ip_style = lo_style_normal_c_guid ). * lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 3 ip_column_start = 'B' ip_column_end = 'C' ). * Nachträglich den Rahmen aus der Zelle entfernen lv_xborders-allborders-border_style = abap_true. lv_borders-allborders-border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_none. lo_worksheet->change_cell_style( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 2 ip_xborders = lv_xborders ip_borders = lv_borders ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'A' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'A' ip_value = 'Mandt' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'A' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 10 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'B' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'B' ip_value = 'Material' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'B' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 10 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'C' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'C' ip_value = 'Plant' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'C' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 10 ). * lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'D' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'D' ip_value = 'Storage Loction' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'D' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'E' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'E' ip_value = 'Shortext' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'E' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 50 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'F' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'F' ip_value = 'Submitted Date' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'F' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 17 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'G' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'G' ip_value = 'SAP Available' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'G' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'H' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'H' ip_value = 'Diff Available' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'H' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'I' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'I' ip_value = 'LDL Available' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'I' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'J' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'J' ip_value = 'SAP Q-Stock ' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'J' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'K' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'K' ip_value = 'Diff Q-Stock' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'K' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'L' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'L' ip_value = 'LDL Q-Stock' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'L' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'M' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'M' ip_value = 'SAP Blocked' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'M' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'N' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'N' ip_value = 'Diff Blocked' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'N' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_row = 4 ip_row_to = 5 ip_column_start = 'O' ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = 'O' ip_value = 'LDL Blocked' ip_style = lv_style_head_line_c_guid ). column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column( ip_column = 'O' ). column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ). lo_autofilter = lo_excel->add_new_autofilter( io_sheet = lo_worksheet ) . ls_area-row_start = 4. ls_area-col_start = 1. ls_area-row_end = lo_worksheet->get_highest_row( ). ls_area-col_end = lo_worksheet->get_highest_column( ). lo_autofilter->set_filter_area( is_area = ls_area ). eo_excel = lo_excel. "lcl_output=>output( lo_excel ). ENDMETHOD.
"EXPORTING it_datasets = lt_vergleich IMPORTING eo_excel = lo_excel CLASS lcl_output DEFINITION CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: output IMPORTING cl_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: send_email. DATA: xdata TYPE xstring, " Will be used for sending as email t_rawdata TYPE solix_tab, " Will be used for downloading or open directly bytecount TYPE i. " Will be used for downloading or open directly ENDCLASS. "lcl_output DEFINITION CLASS lcl_output IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD output. DATA: cl_output TYPE REF TO lcl_output, cl_writer TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer. CREATE OBJECT cl_output. CREATE OBJECT cl_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007. cl_output->xdata = cl_writer->write_file( cl_excel ). cl_output->t_rawdata = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( iv_xstring = cl_output->xdata ). cl_output->bytecount = xstrlen( cl_output->xdata ). cl_output->send_email( ). ENDMETHOD. "output METHOD send_email. * Needed to send emails DATA: bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs, errortext TYPE string, cl_send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs, cl_document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs, cl_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs, cl_sender TYPE REF TO cl_cam_address_bcs, t_attachment_header TYPE soli_tab, wa_attachment_header LIKE LINE OF t_attachment_header, attachment_subject TYPE sood-objdes, sood_bytecount TYPE sood-objlen, mail_title TYPE so_obj_des, t_mailtext TYPE soli_tab, wa_mailtext LIKE LINE OF t_mailtext, send_to TYPE adr6-smtp_addr, sent TYPE os_boolean, main_text TYPE bcsy_text, lv_status_attr TYPE bcs_rqst, lv_distributionlist_name TYPE soobjinfi1-obj_name. lv_distributionlist_name = zkl_ldl_bestandsabgleich=>distribution_list. DATA: lt_dli_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sodlienti1, lv_stmp_addr TYPE ad_smtpadr. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_dli_data> TYPE sodlienti1. * DATA: lt_notify TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zcof_notify. * FIELD-SYMBOLS: <notify> TYPE zcof_notify. DATA: lv_datum TYPE char10. * Betreffzeile WRITE sy-datum TO lv_datum DD/MM/YYYY. CONCATENATE 'Bestandsabgleich |' lv_datum '-' sy-sysid INTO mail_title SEPARATED BY space. ** Mailtext aufbereiten APPEND ' ' TO main_text. TRY. * Create send request cl_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). * No automatic reply lv_status_attr = 'N'. cl_send_request->set_status_attributes( i_requested_status = lv_status_attr ). cl_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'RAW' "#EC NOTEXT i_text = main_text i_subject = mail_title ). * Add attachment to document * since the new excelfiles have an 4-character extension .xlsx but the attachment-type only holds 3 charactes .xls, * we have to specify the real filename via attachment header * Use attachment_type xls to have SAP display attachment with the excel-icon CONCATENATE 'Bestandsabgleich_' sy-datum '.XLSX' INTO attachment_subject. CONCATENATE '&SO_FILENAME=' attachment_subject INTO wa_attachment_header. APPEND wa_attachment_header TO t_attachment_header. * Attachment sood_bytecount = bytecount. " next method expects sood_bytecount instead of any positive integer *sigh* cl_document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'XLS' "#EC NOTEXT i_attachment_subject = attachment_subject i_attachment_size = sood_bytecount i_att_content_hex = t_rawdata i_attachment_header = t_attachment_header ). * add document to send request cl_send_request->set_document( cl_document ). * add recipient(s) "Create recipient object CALL FUNCTION 'SO_DLI_READ_API1' EXPORTING dli_name = lv_distributionlist_name shared_dli = 'X' TABLES dli_entries = lt_dli_tab EXCEPTIONS dli_not_exist = 1 operation_no_authorization = 2 parameter_error = 3 x_error = 4 OTHERS = 5. LOOP AT lt_dli_tab ASSIGNING <ls_dli_data>. lv_stmp_addr = <ls_dli_data>-member_adr. cl_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( lv_stmp_addr ). "Add recipient object to send request cl_send_request->add_recipient( cl_recipient ). CLEAR: cl_recipient. ENDLOOP. * Send E-Mail sent = cl_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ). COMMIT WORK. CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception. errortext = bcs_exception->if_message~get_text( ). MESSAGE errortext TYPE 'I'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "send_email ENDCLASS.
METHOD create_output_stock_rec_in_alv. DATA: lo_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table, lo_layout TYPE REF TO cl_salv_layout, " Benutzerspezifische lv_layout_key TYPE salv_s_layout_key, lo_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list, lo_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table, lo_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table, lo_display TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings, ls_fuer_zelleinf TYPE lvc_s_scol, ls_farbcodierung TYPE lvc_s_colo, lt_ausgabe TYPE zabgleich_ldl_t, lt_dd03l TYPE TABLE OF dd03l. " LAyouts aktivieren lt_ausgabe = it_ausgabe. SELECT fieldname FROM dd03l INTO TABLE lt_dd03l WHERE tabname = 'ZABGLEICH_LDL'. cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = lo_alv CHANGING t_table = lt_ausgabe ). lv_layout_key-report = sy-repid. lo_layout = lo_alv->get_layout( ). lo_layout->set_key( lv_layout_key ). lo_layout->set_save_restriction( if_salv_c_layout=>restrict_none ). lo_functions = lo_alv->get_functions( ). lo_functions->set_all( abap_true ). lo_columns = lo_alv->get_columns( ). lo_columns->set_optimize( abap_true ). LOOP AT lt_ausgabe INTO DATA(ls_ausgabe). CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'MANDT'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'MATNR'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'WERKS'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'LGORT'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'MAKTX'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'ERDAT'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 1. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'SAP_LABST'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 5. "grün ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'SAP_INSME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 3. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'SAP_SPEME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 7. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. IF ls_ausgabe-diff_labst > '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_LABST'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSEIF ls_ausgabe-diff_labst < '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_LABST'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSE. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_LABST'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 5. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ENDIF. IF ls_ausgabe-diff_insme > '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_INSME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSEIF ls_ausgabe-diff_insme < '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_INSME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSE. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_INSME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 3. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ENDIF. IF ls_ausgabe-diff_speme > '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_SPEME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 1. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSEIF ls_ausgabe-diff_speme < '0'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_SPEME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 6. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ELSE. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'DIFF_SPEME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 7. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. ENDIF. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'LDL_LABST'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 5. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'LDL_INSME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 3. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. CLEAR ls_fuer_zelleinf. ls_fuer_zelleinf-fname = 'LDL_SPEME'. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-col = 7. ls_fuer_zelleinf-color-int = 0. APPEND ls_fuer_zelleinf TO ls_ausgabe-farbe. MODIFY lt_ausgabe FROM ls_ausgabe. ENDLOOP. lo_columns->set_color_column( 'FARBE' ). lo_display = lo_alv->get_display_settings( ). lo_display->set_horizontal_lines( abap_true ). lo_display->set_vertical_lines( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ). lo_display->set_list_header( value = TEXT-001 ). lo_display->set_striped_pattern( abap_true ). DATA: gr_events TYPE REF TO zkl_ldl_bestandsabgleich. DATA: lr_events TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_table. lr_events = lo_alv->get_event( ). CREATE OBJECT gr_events. SET HANDLER gr_events->on_double_click FOR lr_events. lo_alv->display( ). ENDMETHOD.
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- ABAP2XLSX | https://github.com/sapmentors
- ABAP2GIT | https://docs.abapgit.org/
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